Monday, October 1, 2012

My First Post and Intro

Hello All.  The purpose of this HandyChickadee blog is to share some pretty simple tricks of the trade for saving money along with doing/fixing things yourself instead of paying someone else to do it.  My sister inspired me to start a blog this past summer when she saw me fixing things here and there.  She has her own blog of her experiences overseas and thought it would be a good idea for me to blog about the different ways I have learned to save money as well as the easy to follow instructions on how to fix and do certain things yourself.

So far the topics I have come up with to blog about are:
  • Saving Money on Baby Clothes, Equipment, and Baby Formula
  • Saving Money on Utilities
  • Saving Money for Online Shoppers
  • Fixing a doorbell
  • Checking/Changing Air Filter
  • Changing Cabin Filter
  • Fixing Garbage Disposal
  • Jump Starting car
  • Jewelry Fixing
  • Gas Burner not lighting up
  • Changing lightbulb on headlight
  • Changing battery on car keyfob
  • Changing Flapper on Toilet
  • Hook up Wireless Router
  • Setting up Security on Wireless Router
  • Hook up VOIP Phone
  • Hook up Roku Device
  • Troubleshooting Lost Wireless Connection
  • Troubleshooting Lost Electricity

1 comment:

  1. Finally! My prayers have been answered!
    Don't forget to do product reviews of machines and other stuff you have bought and used!
