Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ways to Save Money on Baby Formula, Clothes, Toys, Gear, etc.

When you are having your first baby, there is typically so much excitement and anticipation.  You can't wait to put your little one in all those little itty bitty outfits.  For those of you having your first beebo, let me tell you that they grow so fast in those first couple of years.  After the first month, you are already in a different size, and then two months later, your little one is in a different size, and so forth. I know there are some super adorable outfits out there for sizes such as newborn, 3 months, 6 months, and so forth.  However, I am of the opinion that it's better to be practical.  Trust me, the time will come soon enough when your little one will be able to enjoy the ultra cute outfits and for a longer period of time so save your money, and be patient.  Also, if you don't have friends with little ones or have friends with older kids who have forgotten, babies are typically eating, sleeping, peeing, and pooping.  Those are their primary responsibilities for the first 5 or 6 months.  There may be the occasional outings, but for the most part, you want to keep your little one in comfy outfits.  Also, you don't want to be totally bummed when your little one pees and/or poops all over one of the really nice new fancy outfits.  Sometimes, those stains are not so forgiving :(. 

My girls are 4 1/2 and 6 years-old now. Since we are done with most of the baby gear and clothes, I did a combination of having a garage sale, ebay, and craigslist. I sold the items that were still in good condition for very low prices since I had bought them for very low prices. The girls were so excited about selling everything because we used the money we made to go shopping for clothes and shoes. Now that they are a little older, the days of buying in bulk for size 18months and 2T used clothes are gone. My girls are very particular about their clothes and definitely have their own taste in clothes =).  There are times when they do pick somethiing on ebay that is used that they like.  They are expert online shoppers now on Amazon, Macy's, Ebay, Childrens Place, and so forth. Yes, I am being serious. I did teach them about coupons and coupon codes so they understand the value of saving money. That is why I advise you to be thrify and save in the early years because the time to buy new will be here soon enough =).

With all that being said, here are some tips for how to save money on those common baby items that you will most likely only use for a short phase of time. 


  • Look on craigslist in your local area for baby gear, baby toys, baby clothes, etc. (high chairs, clothes, exersaucers, bumbo seats, clothes, babyproofing materials, bassinets, pack and plays, baby bjorns, barely used strollers, changing tables, rocking chairs, bouncy seats, swings, maternity clothes, shoes, baby einstein dvds, cooshie, booster seats, riding toys, and so on.
  • Sign up to receive goodstart, Enfamil, similac checks via their website.  Ask your friends to do this as well and have them mail you the checks when they com in.
  • Look on ebay.
  • Look on craigslist for other moms looking to give away, sell or trade formula checks.  Even if you get checks for a brand that you don’t use, you can trade with a mom that is using it or sell them to her.
  • Even if you are set on buying new baby items, look on ebay and craigslist for store coupons or store gift cards that people are selling at a lower price.
  • Other websites where moms trade or sell formula checks.
  • Sometimes stores will take expired checks so don’t be so quick to throw away expired formula checks.
  • For those of you who make frequent air trips out of town to visit family, you may be thinking about getting some extra car seats to leave at their house.  If so, look on craigslist for some used carseats that are still in good condition.  And trust me, there are some good carseats for sale at a much better price than buying new, especially when buying  a spare.

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