Monday, September 30, 2013

Soy Free Mini Pita Pockets from Whole Foods

Hi All. I also wanted to share another great find for break alternatives that is soy free. I found these at Whole Foods and will post a picture once I get home. For the kids' lunches, I usually toast these up in my toaster oven, wrap with foil, and keep warm using my Warmables Lunch Kit. UPDATE: I just posted the picture of the Mini Pita Pocket bag.
Latest Update:  My sister discovered some soy free pita pockets at Giant while visiting me this summer.  The brand is Joseph's.

I recently also discovered a regular loaf of bread at Giant that my daughter can eat as well.  It does have soy lecithin, which is why the label says contains soy, but as I have noted in a previous post, my daughter is ok with soy lecithin, which applies to many soy sensitive or soy allergic people.  The brand is Giant's brand of Butter Bread.  I was so happy to see this since it has been a long time since she has had just a regular piece or loaf of bread.

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